Advanced Job Search
...Looking to hire someone with audio & video editing experience to turn audio files from company calls/meetings...
Looking for an audio specialist to edit 30 minute or so recordings of podcasts to a) boost quality, b) shorten and c... edit the video for me - and then I need the audio added onto the video, synced in correctly with the speakers...
...long shot) and close ups. Full audio input available. Videos will need some editing to ensure the show is saleable...
...engaging • Minimal effects, just clean transitions and occasional text overlays • Audio cleanup (reducing wind noise...
...over to go alongside this but I would also like this to work without audio . I've uploaded some of the files in but...
...synchronize audio and video. Portfolio examples showcasing your dubbing talents along with client references would..., we do audio and video podcasts with 2 studios and upto 8 guest in Studio One. Our launch offer is everyone gets one...